Heavy Haul & Specialized
Since we are the sister company of one of the premier heavy haulers in Tennessee, this is what our brokers cut their teeth on. The key to moving loads that require specialized trailers, is knowing what equipment you need and what you do not and that only comes with experience. Contact us today, to see where we can help .

Open Deck
The open deck markets shift primarily based on the weather, but your product needs to be delivered on time no matter the season. Allow us to help facilitate your flatbed or stepdeck freight no matter the season in which you need it.
Port deliveries...no problem, we have scheduled drivers into and out of almost every port in the lower 48.
Expedited FTL and LTL
Time sensitive: No problem, we work with expedited LTL and FTL carriers that can get your freight from point A to point B as fast as possible. One of the bigger problems with expedited freight is tracking, we put you directly in contact with your driver to insure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Not interested in tracking yourselves, allow us to do it for you. We track all of our loads throughout the day and can provide you updates as to exactly what city your driver is in and can provide ETA's based on projected travel times and traffic flows.